Another year has literally flown by and it’s that time once again to review our actions and performances during 2014. This is a fabulous time to sit down with the whole family and discuss what “New Year Resolutions” are really all about.

Working as a family and discussing “bad habits, faults and new goals can be very rewarding, especially, for the children.

Children will get a chance to see what daily areas they might be able to change and do better in. It will help set them in a pattern to continue this practice every year and incorporate it into their own family circle one day. This will help increase focusing on values, making better decisions and putting their priorities in the correct order. It will help mold their character and make them more aware of their own feelings and goals, as well as respecting the values and needs of others around them.

My Little Explorers always have a discussion time to understand the meaning of resolutions and to be honest with one another that we all have faults and if we do our best we can correct them.

Try choosing a winter character such as a snowman, snowflakes, reindeer, or their favorite cartoon or storybook character and let them color it in. Paste the picture on a hand drawn bell or a New Year’s party hat. Then let the child write the resolutions he/she would like to work on. When they finish let them sign and date their contract and paste a picture of themselves under their writings. When it’s finished they can attach their writing on their holiday bell or hat. Proudly display their work in a visible place as a reminder of the commitment they have made to themselves.

The foundations we set forth today will truly evolve later on.

God bless you and your family in this new year.