
With Labor Day right around the corner, a serious topic came up among some of my parents and friends, who were not aware of a rare, but serious situation that can occur while children, friends and family are enjoying themselves at a poolside party, or just lounging around and basking in the sun.

All it takes is a split second for a child to unknowingly drink or swallow pool water, which to no one’s knowledge, can seep behind the vocal cords, and find its way into the lungs. Unfortunately, this residual of water will produce a swelling on the lungs, and in time, the child could die from suffocation or as it is called, secondary drowning.

We discussed some of the symptoms that parents should be aware of, such as delayed breathing, coughing, tightness of chest, lethargy, fever and unusual mood change. These symptoms should not be taken lightly nor be confused with other medical ailments. They can appear anywhere from 1 to 24 hours after a child leaves a pool. Knowing the symptoms will now prompt parents to either call 911 or rush the child to the emergency room for immediate medical care.

         More information on this life threatening topic can be found on both Fox News and CNN websites.